The Victorian Infection and Immunity Network (VIIN) is a co-host of the Lorne Infection and Immunity Conference. VIIN has accounts on social media platforms, including Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. The VIIN acknowledges that delegates at the Lorne Infection and Immunity Conference also have accounts on different social media platforms. Social media can be used in a positive way to network, to support the dissemination of information, and to amplify important topics related to science and to being a scientist. Social media can also cause harm, by posting sensitive data, amplifying false information or by disrespecting an individual’s wish for privacy.
The use of social media before, during, and after the Lorne Infection and Immunity Conference as a means to share information and network with others who are attending the meeting is encouraged in line with this policy.
In using social media, VIIN will:
- Communicate with respect and consideration for others
- Seek the consent and respect the wishes of speakers about whether they wish to be posted about on social media
- Welcome feedback from attendees about topics of interest and ideas for future events.
In using social media, VIIN will not post, like or amplify any other post that:
- Captures research data. Note that capturing, transmitting, or re-distributing data presented at a conference may preclude subsequent publication of the data in a scientific journal. Please be respectful of journal embargo policies and do not jeopardize the work of your colleagues.
- Captures personal information about the presenter or any individual. This might include information about an individual’s private life, including career disruptions or health data.
- Engages in rudeness, slander, or personal attacks.
VIIN takes the approach of shared responsibility for safe use of social media:
1. Organisers of the Lorne Infection and Immunity Conference will:
a. Seek consent from speakers explicitly, in writing, ahead of the event about:
i. Recording presentations (if relevant)
ii. Sharing slide decks after the event (if relevant) and
iii. Sharing material on social media
b. Inform the audience of the speakers' wishes at the start of the event
c. Monitor the VIIN Twitter / X on the event and engage online / by email with anyone not complying with the policy and speaker wishes
2. Speakers at the Lorne Infection and Immunity Conference are requested to:
a. Verbally remind audience members about their wishes at the start of their own presentation
b. Put a symbol on slide to indicate it shouldn't be shared
3. Registrants at the Lorne Infection and Immunity Conference must:
a. Read this Social Media Policy before participating in the conference
b. Comply with this Social Media Policy
c. Acknowledge that continued participation at the event and at future VIIN events and the Lorne Conference are contingent on compliance with the policy.
d. Not use photographic, video, or other type of recording devices. This is strictly prohibited in all oral sessions
(i.e., platform, plenary, invited, etc.) and poster sessions. It is also strictly prohibited to post photos/images or video recordings from these sessions on any type of online site, including social media platforms, blogs, personal Web pages, etc.
Reminders about this will be provided by Chairs and in the program booklet.
Please follow the Lorne Infection and Immunity Conference:
Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/lorneinfectionimmunity/ on Twitter / X @The_VIIN, #lorneiandi