We thank of our colleagues at the Lorne Conference for Protein Structure and Function for sharing their policies with us, which we have reused and modified to suit our conference with their permission.
The Organising Committee and the Co-Convenors of the Lorne Infection and Immunity conference are strongly committed to diversity and inclusion. We believe this approach leads to the best outcomes for our meeting.
We apply the principles of diversity and inclusion to ensure that our program and activities are inclusive of all diverse and under-represented groups and sufficiently flexible to ensure a tolerant and accessible environment to support full participation by all our delegates. We strive to achieve gender balance in all aspects, including in our speaker lists, session chairs and on the organising committee membership.
Our conference will strive to:
attract a diverse group of attendees and speakers
ensure a safe, accessible and enabling environment for our delegates
be seen as a role model for organising inclusive and diverse conferences, and
promote, where relevant, visibility for minorities and underrepresented scientists or other delegates
We commit to:
inviting diverse presenters and facilitators to appear at our events
proactively understanding and, where possible, financially supporting the necessary measures to provide appropriate inclusion at our conference
acting rapidly to address any actions that operate against the principles of diversity and inclusion at our conference
embodying the principles of diversity and inclusion in all activities and actions and in the composition of the organising committee,
proactively seeking input on diversity and inclusion issues and actions from our speakers and delegates through our annual survey, and
reporting via our website and at our annual meeting on our diversity and inclusion status.
We aspire to partner with organisations and sponsors that demonstrably support diversity and inclusion.
The Lorne Infection and Immunity Conference’s track record on gender equity can be found here: https://www.lorneinfectionimmunity.org/gender-equity